Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Item Mac 2011 ( Cute Nail Clipper)

Kung Fu Panda Cute Nail Clipper @ My Kiddie House for only RM 5.90
Avaiable now @ My Kiddie House

Snoopy Cute Nail Clipper..... Only RM 5.90 get it @ My Kiddie House

Mashimaro Cute Nail Clipper.... and a lot more choices get it @ My Kiddie House...

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Toy @ mykiddiehouse

Get this toys for free if u Shoppe with us more than RM 60 or U can buy this toy for only RM 5.90 ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Playground Safety

Children can be injured in several ways :

  • Children can fall off the equipment, fall from height or trip over equipment. Falls account for 75% of playground injuries.
  • Blows or knocks from playground equipment or other children.
  • Cuts and lacerations.
Playground equipment commonly associated with injuries is swings, monkey bars, slides and seesaws. ]

What are the safety features to look for in a children's playground?

Parents should ensure that children play in playgrounds with good safety features. If the playgrounds near your homes are not safe for children, please inform your local authority.
Some recommended safety features are :
  • Height of the equipment
    • Equipments should not be higher than 8 feet and if they are, guardrails (about 38 inches high) should be present.
Fall surfaces and fall areas
    • Fall surfaces should extend 6 feet around the equipment especially under and around swings, slides and other equipments. Avoid surfaces made of asphalt, concrete, grass and soil. Safer surfaces include :
      • Sand (10 inches deep),
      • Wood chips (12 inches deep)
      • Rubber outdoor mat (see American Academy of Paediatrics Public Education Brochure).
  • Entrapment
    • Spaces should be between 3.5 inches to 9 inches so that it is not possible for the head to get entrapped (SIRIM Safety Playground Standards).
  • Protruding bolts and nuts
    • There is a risk of catching of children's clothes from protruding nuts and bolts. They can also cause strangulation, punctures or serious wounds and eye injuries.
  • Tripping
    • There should be no exposed concrete footings, surface elevations, tree stumps and rocks which can cause tripping.
  • Age appropriate equipment
    • There should be separate playing equipment for pre-school and school going children.
Playground maintenance
  • Ensure that the playground is in good repair, without jagged edges or sharp points.
  • No footings are exposed.
  • No worn out or missing parts.
  • Materials like metal, plastic, wood are smooth and not deteriorated.
  • Surfaces need to be maintained, be free from sharp edges.
  • All equipment should be fixed securely to the ground.
  • All parts should be securely fastened so there are no loose parts

Supervision of children

  • Children should always be supervised at play.
  • There should be designated places for parents and care givers to sit.
  • Look out for behaviors like fighting, pushing, shoving, crowding around equipments and playing outside designated areas.
  • Ensure that children do not bring bicycles onto the playground as this can cause injuries.
  • Ensure that children are properly attired when going to the playground so as to prevent tripping, clothes or hair getting caught in equipment.

New Shoe at My Kiddie House...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Kiddie House Model

Name : Amira Fatin Athirah
Age : 02 years Old
Modelling Since: Birth (heheh)
 Name : Amira Fatin Afiqah
Age:  6 Years Old
Modelling Since : Birth ( heheh)

Friday, February 18, 2011


I watched as a young girl was making faces at her sister in the park.
" You know," her mother told her, "when i was little, your grandmother said that if i made faces and the wind shifted, I could stay like that."
The girl looked at her for the moment, then said, "Well you can't say you waren't warned."

The highlight of our trip to the zoo was peacock showing off its plumage. My four-year-old son was particularly taken with it. That evening, he couldn't wait to tell his father: " Dad, guess what? I saw a Christmas Tree come out of a chicken today!"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pacifier Advice for Parents

        According to Proffessor George Haycock, scientific adviser to the foundation for the Study of Infant Death (FSID), "A number of research studies have suggested that babies who are regularly given a pacifier when put down to sleep, even for a nap, are less likely to die suddenly and unexpectedly than those who are not".
        The advice from FSID is: if breastfeeding, do not begin to give a pacifier until your baby is one month old. Don't worry if the pacifier falls out when your baby is asleep and don't ever force your baby to take a pacifier. And never coat the pacifier in anything sweet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Giving children a weekly allowance is an ideal opportunityto teach them how the real world works.

         Pocket money is suprisingly polarising subject. should it be given to children? From what age? How much? What restrictions should apply? The rationale for giving pocket money is save consistently and understand financial reallities. A good age to start would be in kindergarten.

          Some parents believe children should earn pocket money by doing chores. Others use pocket money as reward of good behaviour or school performance. Yet others think that it should be independent of expectations about pitching in or acting well. In the end, this is a personal decision.
For one mother of teenage girl, chores are definitely part of the picture. " We drew up a rough budget of what we thought our daughter needed and what she should pay for out of her pocket money," she explains. " We then asked her the same discovered we had a similar amount in mind.
         She was able to earn extra by babysitting, and she's also expected to participate in household chores." As for restrictions about what the money is spent on, each family should set its own general rules ( some specify a percentage must be given to charity for instance), but letting children make thier own decision is an important part of thier development.
Having thier own money gives them added responsibility and a sense of independence.

Top Pocket Money Tips:

* Pay it on a set day each week of the month.
* Set up a money box for younger children.
* Opened bank account for older children.
* Discuss what you can afford to pay and how they can aern more.
* Explain how they can save up for things that they want.



        Many women worry about travelling while pregnant, but it's usually safe as long as you take a few simple precautions. You may need written permission to fly from your doctor, especially if you're expecting twins or have medical problems-diabetes, high blood pressure, previous early delivery. The safest period is your second trimester(week 14 to 27). Arrange for an aisle seat and wear support stockings since the rince of deep vein thrombosis is slightly higher. your medication must be closely monitored, so beware of countries requiring vaccinations. Malaria areas are also best avoided as mosquitoes are attracted to pregnant women. And although you may love skiing, surfing and scuba diving, don't risk injuring the baby. Relax instead........ if you have any doubts,talk to your doctor. Always travel with a copy of your pregnancy records........

Monday, January 31, 2011

kids jokes

Why are you late for school?
Because of the Sign.
What Sign?
The sign that says "School ahead go slow"

Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with "t".
Pupil: Today and Tomorrow.

The teacher said to Merisa, "What important in the 1700's people did not have that we have Today."
Merisa said, "ME."

Educate Your Children About Money

     Those days when we were young, we are not allowed to discuss about money with our parent ( i don't know about u but i never heheh) i remember those days if i want anything i will ask my mom first and then my mom  will relays the message to my dad and vise versa... I will know the answer next morning...

   My dad is a strict person, he's like a military man for me.. The answer for me is simple whether 'Yes' or 'No' and  i will never questioned his decision... Same goes to when its come about money. Nowadays children are smart (not like me those days :-p) they will questioned everything including about money. We must be patient to explain to them, they will keep on questioned u until they satisfied.

   We also have to discuss about money whenever or whereever we have the chance, include while were eating... explain to them the benefits of saving money and etc.,

    Its about how we explain to them that make sense....

Monday, January 24, 2011

We are Blessed

   I've arrived at KLIA this afternoon, when i was strolling in the airport looking around and cleansing my eyes 'heheh'... my focus being distracted by this one fellow.... he is physically disadvantaged ... he's working as a cleaner at the airport by the looks of his uniform... he is so focus to his job that he does'nt notice that i was looking at him....

     When i looked at him I was so admired and inspired that is he is so comitted to his job and he dont care about anyone think about his job... there is some good values that  i see this chap..

  1. He is focused to his job
  2. He does'nt care about anything else or what people think about him
  3. Even though he is physically handicaped but his mental state  is so healthy
  4. He dont make an excuse for something that he cannot change
  5. The chap is clean and well mannered person..
  6. He's always smiling :-)

  We are so blessed, thank to the Almighty God that gives us so much and sometimes we forget to say thanks... the simplest thing like our hands, legs, taste bud, our sight  for example....that we takes for granted but being so appraciated by others that not so fortunate...We have to teach our kids to be grateful...seeing other people agony with sense of sympathy and the heart to help as much as u can....

  Lets think about it for a while.....

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just Do It !!!

I like the Nike Motto Just Do It!!! 

Saving  for our Children Education Fund is like doing an exercise... you will think that you will be doing it tomorrow then u delay the day after tomorrow and the day after that....  It will end up not exercise at all.

Saving money is also like that we  start to find an excuse to start it later time...... But the most important thing is Just Do It!!!! ( again)...

Start by Saving small... just save ur small change is a big step to acheive our goal... I used to do  this myself, I will put one special bowl at the kitchen and a small bowl in my bedroom when ever i'm coming back from shopped for  groceries i will empty up my pockets pants at the kitchen and put it in the bowl... when i'm in my room changing cloth's if there is  spare change i will put it in the bowl...

By the end of the month the total i saved in the bowl sometimes get to RM 50.. that a lot for me.... and then i will put it in the ASD funds for my kids...

The Motto of the day.... JUST DO IT!!! Good Luck doing it....

Chinese New Year Collection (the Brand and price will be adviced when the stok arrived @ My Kiddie House)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Kids Education Funds

When I talks about Educations funds with my hubby, I will get chilled about it.... I'm afraid what I'll be facing in the future. Last week I have a chance to talk to one of my senior at my workplace. He told me that his daughther now study at Medan Indonesia majoring in Farmaseutical. She used to be studying at Masterskill in PJ in think...when she studying at Masterskill she got her PTPTN fund but once she wants to further her study in Indonesia there is no funds to support her accept for her daddies fund of course....At the end of my discussion this is the reality of education cost now a days....

1. The education fees are expensive iether u study in malaysia or abroad.
2. The cost of study are to high ( half of it you must pay during registration)
3. It is hard for you to finds a seat in a good university
4.If u secured a seat in a very good university u must not get a heart attack during registration...
5. So much thing u have to consider before u sent ur kids to study abroad
6.  University abroad exspecially in Indonesia are more cheaper than malaysia studying the same course.

Tips ( i used to read about this or somebody told me about this somewhere)

1. Buy an asset i.e House or anything when u r having a baby... ( u can used this when they grow up and sell it to further their study)
2. Saved ur Kids Funds in SSPN Account...
3. Have ur kids to have their own ASD/ASB Account

There is a lot more we can do to achieve our goal of great education for our kids ... i welcome u to share more about this in the comment box tq.... i hope i can learn something from u too....

Five Little Monkeys! My Kids Favourite Kids Song Now a days... She learnt from school of course ... i never knew this song exist...hahaha

Our New Collections @ My Kiddie House

Just One Year by Carters
flower jacket: 9m,12m,18m,24m - (RM39)
cars jacket: 9m,12m,18m - (RM 29)

NEXT dress pink n purple (RM 39)
size pink:2T,3T,4T,5T
size purple:2T,3T,4T,5T

oshkosh smoking dress
size:100cm(3y), 108cm(4y),115cm(5y),120cm(6y),7y