Monday, January 24, 2011

We are Blessed

   I've arrived at KLIA this afternoon, when i was strolling in the airport looking around and cleansing my eyes 'heheh'... my focus being distracted by this one fellow.... he is physically disadvantaged ... he's working as a cleaner at the airport by the looks of his uniform... he is so focus to his job that he does'nt notice that i was looking at him....

     When i looked at him I was so admired and inspired that is he is so comitted to his job and he dont care about anyone think about his job... there is some good values that  i see this chap..

  1. He is focused to his job
  2. He does'nt care about anything else or what people think about him
  3. Even though he is physically handicaped but his mental state  is so healthy
  4. He dont make an excuse for something that he cannot change
  5. The chap is clean and well mannered person..
  6. He's always smiling :-)

  We are so blessed, thank to the Almighty God that gives us so much and sometimes we forget to say thanks... the simplest thing like our hands, legs, taste bud, our sight  for example....that we takes for granted but being so appraciated by others that not so fortunate...We have to teach our kids to be grateful...seeing other people agony with sense of sympathy and the heart to help as much as u can....

  Lets think about it for a while.....

1 comment:

Fauziah Khalid said...

i like this message........very true...