Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a Day.....

It is a exausting day for me today....bringing the girls to shopping!!!! So much thing to do and so much thing to buy..... I think i've read about this tip somewhere that I experienced it myself today... "if u wanna go out shopping with ur kids u must bring along some tidbits and water from home" if not u will end up buying unnessesary thing for them. Like today i have to buy Soakin Ted ( 1901), mineral water, Sweets, Sundae (Mc d) and alot more. When i total up  everything it is almost RM 50.   The RM 50 ringgit that i've  spent for those unnessary thing i  should buy something that is important. One more thing u must have a List of grocessries that u want to buy so that u will not go far by buying unwanted goods...Huh... what a day............

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